Thursday, March 5, 2020


How can it be possible for a person to overcome an addiction?... We don't understand the process of addiction. To me it is a fragmentation of the self (or Ego). It could be the illusion of an aggressive rupture of the original symbiotic diada Mother/ child? mean abandonment, At least something perceives like abandonment and betrayal. Or this fragmentation is created by opposite or broken primary-views (mirada) that constitute and structure the Ego/self. Like in the "double message" present in the history of the schizophrenia symptom. It is possible that the structure in the psychosis can offer some light to what happen in the addiction?.. ....everybody is lost, nobody understands addiction. NOBODY! I think that the Self is continued through the Other's look (la mirada del Otro) We are a symbolic reflection of the Other's eyes, I am convinced to this. when those eyes show us a fragmented self we are vulnerable to a "licking" of the Symbolic = Psychosis / or vulnerable to the licking of the imaginary = addiction. Now I think I am into something...of course, intergenerational trauma plays a role in this rupture

About not allowing yourself to feel good.

Some times a one doesn't allow to feel good or to be happy if others aren't happy, there is a need to be solidarity, but this will invalidate your happiness, you may feel that you don't suppose to deserve that privilege, so their misery invalidates your happiness or you feel guilty for feeling good, when others don't, because may feel is not been fair or you judge it as a "selfish" feeling. I don't help society preaches the message that it is more important not to be selfish than to be happy. being miserable and unhappy together, don't help anybody.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Why some people are attention seekers? Having attention in our early years from another human: means to learn you are present. YOU ARE. so when we feel the need of other peoples attention is because we are not sure who we are, so we need the mirror in others eyes. Yveth Zwyssig

Monday, June 11, 2018

I found this quote today:
"I’ve noticed something about people who make a difference in the world: They hold the unshakable conviction that individuals are extremely important, that every life matters. They get excited over one smile. They are willing to feed one stomach, educate one mind, and treat one wound. They aren’t determined to revolutionize the world all at once; they’re satisfied with small changes. Over time, though, the small changes add up. Sometimes they even transform cities and nations, and yes, the world." Beth Clark

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Emotions and your body

Emotions are primary formed from the body perceiving the energy merely neutral, that energy that is perceived is filtered by a body’s individual frequency, which is determined by individual experiences and genetic configuration. The brain uses the storage information to determine the meaning of that particular frequency and matched with the rest of the "database" in the brain. If the info refer to a experience that for the individual means "happy" then the brain send the sequence of chemicals related to that particular meaning, releasing neurotransmitters in charge of unchain the chemical reaction in the body to sustain the meaning of that emotion. In theory two individuals can be subjected to the same energy frequency, but they would filter it in a different way, one can end up "happy" and other can end up "sad". Now there is a general consensus about what "happy" sad" etc, feels like. The different emotions, release a particular neurotransmitters. Then scientist can measure the type of neurotransmitter we know are release with that emotion, and correlated with this images that correspond this body emotional map in the article.
These colorful images of emotional body maps allow you to visualize a target emotion as it is color-coded to areas of your body. For example, if your target emotions are those of happiness and love, you can picture the body images radiating with orange and yellow light in those regions. Likewise, when you look at the image of fear or contempt you can see where you would want to direct your bodily energy to disengage that negativity. By visualizing this bodily state in your mind’s eye first, you can kick-start a chain reaction that can make that emotion a self-fulfilling prophecy. I call this ‘putting the cart before the horse’ in that you enter the feedback loop from the body and create an upward spiral towards a positive mindset. You can use the visualization of these body maps to disengage neural networks linked to negative emotions. By doing this regularly, you will fine-tune a mindset of pragmatic optimism through neural pruning and brain plasticity. The more regularly you engage a neural network linked to positive emotions and outcomes, the more automatically your mind and body clicks into that state of being.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Powerfull Heart

The evidence that human health and behaviors are influenced by geomagnetic activity is quite strong and convincing. However, there is experimental evidence that human bio emotional energy can have a subtle but significant (scientifically measurable) non-local effect on people, events. It is becoming clear that a bio electromagnetic field radiated by each human heart and brain, can affect other individuals. For example research conducted in the Heartmath Institute confirmed the hypothesis that when an individual is in a state of heart coherence, the heart radiates a more coherent electromagnetic signal into the environment that can be detected by nearby animals or the nervous systems of other people. Of all the organs, the heart generates the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field, one that is approximately 100 times stronger than that produced by the brain. This field can be detected several feet from the body with sensitive magnetometers. This shows we can “feel” or sense another person’s presence and emotional state independent of body language or other factors. It has also been found that there is a direct relationship between the heart rhythm patterns and the spectral information encoded in the heart's magnetic field. Thus, information about a person’s emotional state is encoded in the heart’s magnetic field, which is communicated throughout the body and into the environment. This was also was supported in a study examining the possibility that people achieving high states of heart coherence could facilitate coherence in other people in close proximity. The results showed that the coherence of untrained participants was indeed facilitated by others who were in a coherent state. this means that If you train your heart to get into a coherent state and maintain it, you would potentially influence those around you. Evidence of heart rhythm synchronization among group participants was revealed through several evaluation methods. In another study, Kathi Kemper at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, conducted a blinded study to evaluate the direct psychophysiological benefits of the nonverbal communication of loving kindness and compassion to others. The study participants did not know of the true purpose of the study and did not know that the practitioner was at the time practicing being in a more heart coherent state of loving kindness and compassion. After the periods the practitioner was in this state, the participants had significantly reduced stress and increased feelings of relaxation and peacefulness. The participants also had significant improvements in their measures of HRV, which was used as an objective measure of autonomic activity. The study concluded that extending compassion to others has measurable affects and is “good medicine"